The American Sign Language: Deaf Support Specialist AAS Degree Program is offered for students who desire to enter employment directly after completion of this two year program. The program is open to qualified deaf, hearing, or hard of hearing students.
Possible Employment Responsibilities: A Deaf Support Specialist is responsible for advocating, educating, and promoting community awareness on the issues that pertain to the Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing communities.
Possible Employment Positions: Educational advocate, job coach, equal-rights advocate for Deaf or Deaf-Blind adults, mediator.
Possible Employment Locations: Companies or government agencies that employ Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals. An agency or organization that provides an array of services for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Schools with Deaf or hard-of-hearing students.
Program Duration: Two years. Additional Prerequisite course(s) may be required depending on student’s prior training/education.
Prerequisites: Taking the Sign Language Proficiency test determining appropriate placement in SGNL 1301 , SGNL 1302 , SGNL 2301 , and SGNL 2302 .