The Cosmetology Facial Specialist/Esthetician Program is 750 clock hours in length as prescribed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and the State Legislature. Estheticians specialize in skin care rather than hairstyling. They may also manufacture, sell, or apply cosmetics. As highly trained specialists, estheticians provide preventative care for skin and offer treatments to keep skin healthy and attractive. Unless the esthetician is also a licensed dermatologist, he or she does not prescribe medication or give medical treatments. However, the esthetician is trained to detect skin problems that require medical attention. NOTE: A criminal background clearance may be required before acceptance into any cosmetology program.
Students taking classes to become a Cosmetologist, Nail Tech, Esthetician or a Cosmetology Instructor must take and pass the exam given by the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATIONS to get their license. A license issued by the state of Texas is required before a student can work in the field of Cosmetology.
In some cases, TDLR (Texas Department of License and Regulation), according to Texas Law, restricts the issuance of a license based on the applicant’s criminal history.
All applicants are issued a form, and it is up to the applicant to follow through if there is a question about his or her criminal history.
Cosmetology instructors can help applicants with forms that need to be filled in and sent to TDLR. This information will be kept private between applicant and TDLR.
Gainful Employment
The US Department of Education requires colleges to disclose a variety of information for any financial aid eligible program that “prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.” Howard College is committed to creating an educated workforce by offering occupational programs that lead to gainful employment.
Gainful Employment Information for Cosmetology Facial Specialist / Esthetician, Certificate Level I