Feb 16, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

System of Grading

The following grades are used with the grade point value per semester credit hour.

A  Excellent 4
B  Good 3
C  Average 2
D  Poor 1
F  Failure 0
FX  Failure, Excessive Absences 0
P  Pass 0
I  Incomplete 0
AU  Audit 0
NC  Non-Credit 0
X  Course in Progress 0
W  Withdrawal of Student 0
  1. An “I” that is not removed before the end of the next long semester automatically becomes an “F.” An “I” is not figured in the grade point average until this time.
  2. To determine the grade point average for scholastic standing, compute the total number of grade points, then divide the total number of hours attempted into the total grade points.
  3. A course attempted is defined as one for which a student registers and receives any grade other than “W.”
  4. If a student repeats a course for which credit has previously been received, the higher grade is the grade of record. Neither the hours nor the grade points associated with the lower grade will be used to determine the student’s eligibility to graduate; however, the lower grade will remain on the student’s transcript indefinitely.
  5. Repeating a course will not remove the original grade from a student’s permanent record.
  6. Each subject will have a final grade for the semester on file.
  7. Grades for credit by examination are recorded as “pass” and are not considered in computing grade point averages.

Upon completion of the semester, grade reports will be available to those students who do not have a financial hold on their records. If the student has a financial obligation to the school, the student must clear the balance or make other arrangements before receiving his or her grades.

Incomplete Grade Policy and Procedure
Instructors can award an incomplete grade when a situation exists that makes it unjust to hold the student to the time limits previously established for the completion of the work. An incomplete grade (I) may be awarded for a course in which a substantial portion of the course work has been satisfactorily, but not entirely, completed as of the end of the semester. Incomplete grades are granted in emergency situations only. The incomplete grade can be recorded only when the completed portion of a student’s work is of passing quality as determined by the instructor. The grade of (I) is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such a case, a grade other than “I” must be assigned. An incomplete grade (I) will not be given for failure on the final examination, absence from the final examination for other than true emergency situations or for a low grade to be raised with extra work.

Should the faculty member agree to assign a grade of incomplete, then he or she also has the right to set a specific date (up to the last day of the next long semester) by which all unfinished work must be completed. If the assigned work is not completed by the indicated date, an alternate grade must be assigned or the “I” will be automatically changed to an “F”.

Instructors are required to use the “Report of Incomplete Grade” form as a contract with the student as to what course work must be completed by the student for the “I” to be removed and replaced with a grade. On the form, the instructor will state which assignments or exams must be completed and when, how this work will be graded, and how the student’s course grade will be calculated. Both the instructor and student must sign the agreement, and both should retain copies.

After the course work is completed, the instructor should assign the appropriate grade on a “Change of Grade” form and submit it to Registrar’s Office for processing.

Steps required for assigning an incomplete grade:

  1. The instructor and student complete the Incomplete Grade form.
    1. Assign the grade that will be recorded if the student does not complete the work.
    2. Assign a date by which the work must be completed – which must be no later than the end of the next long term.
    3. Indicate, specifically and clearly, the work to be completed in order to receive a grade for the course.
    4. Indicate how the assignments will be graded and how the student’s final grade will be calculated.
  2. Assign an “I” grade on the grade roll.
  3. Retain a copy of the form.
  4. Forward the original form along with the grade roster to Registrar’s Office.
  5. The grade of “I” will be entered by the campus registrar’s office.

FX Grade Policy and Procedure

A faculty member may award a grade of FX at the end of the term to a student regardless of mode of instruction (face to face, online, ITV) or student classification (dual credit, traditional).  This grade means that the student registered and paid for the course and failed the course because the student missed an excessive number of classes and did not exercise the right to drop the course or was not eligible to drop the course because of regulations.  Logging into an online course without active participation is seen as non-attending.  For each grade of FX submitted, the last date the student attended the course must be reported.  Grades of FX will not be posted without this date.

A grade of “FX” is treated exactly the same as a grade of “F” in terms of grade point average, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress.  The grade of FX indicates a completed course just as a grade of F indicates a completed course.  The grade of FX is not a drop or withdrawal and will appear on the transcript as FX.  The process to appeal the grade of FX is the same as an appeal for any other faculty awarded grades.

Excessive Absences shall be defined by the individual faculty member clearly in his/her syllabus.  Faculty members do not have to use this option.