Jan 25, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Credit by Examination

Credit by examination may be earned by: (1) standardized achievement tests (CLEP, CEEB Advanced Placement, SAT and ACT); (2) departmental examination; or (3) military programs. NO STUDENT WILL RECEIVE CREDIT BY EXAMINATION FOR MORE THAN EIGHTEEN SEMESTER HOURS. Credit will be awarded only in areas appropriately related to the student’s educational program. No student who has been given a grade other than W in the course is eligible for credit by examination unless the course is otherwise unavailable and is required for graduation. For each hour of credit earned by examination, the student must earn an equivalent hour enrolled as a student in regular classes. Grades for credit by examination are recorded as pass and are not considered in computing grade point averages. Credit awarded for testing (ACT, SAT, CLEP, Departmental, etc.) at Howard College/SWCID may or may not meet minimum requirements for credit at other institutions. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the school they intend to attend to verify further credit. Howard College/SWCID awards transfer credit for “credit by examination” if it is included on an official transcript from an accredited college or university, if it is within the 18 hour limit, and if it is appropriately related to the student’s educational program.

Standardized Achievement Tests

CLEP Examinations
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations are administered through the STEPS Learning Center (Big Spring Campus). CLEP credit may be earned for the following subjects in accordance with the credit minimum scores and course equivalents listed. Students should check transferability of scores and/or courses with receiving institutions. The cost of each CLEP Exam is $80.

 Subject Examination    Minimum Score  Credit Hours  HC Course Equivalent
 American Government  50  3  GOVT 2305  
 American History I  50  3  HIST 1301  
 American History II  50  3  HIST 1302  
 American Literature  50  6  ENGL 2327 , ENGL 2328  
 Biology  52  8  BIOL 1406 , BIOL 1407  
 English Literature  50  6  ENGL 2322 , ENGL 2323  
 Pre-calculus  50  6  MATH 1314 , MATH 1316  
 Calculus  50  3  MATH 2313  
 College Algebra  50  3  MATH 1314  
 College Composition  50  3  ENGL 1301  
 College Composition  58  6  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302  
 College Mathematics  50  3  MATH 1332  
 Financial Accounting  56  3  ACCT 2301  
 French I  55  8  FREN 1411, FREN 1412
 French II  63  14  FREN 1411, FREN 1412, FREN 2311, FREN 2312
 General Chemistry  52  8  CHEM 1411 , CHEM 1412  
 General Psychology  50  3  PSYC 2301  
 Human Growth and Development  50  3  PSYC 2314  
 Informational Systems and Computer Applications  50  3  Computer Science 1301
 Introductory Business Law  50  3  BUSI 2301  
 Macro Economics  50  3  ECON 2301  
 Micro Economics  50  3  ECON 2302  
 Principles of Marketing  50  3  MRKG 1311  
 Principles of Management  50  3  BMGT 1327  
 Sociology  50  3  SOCI 1301  
 Spanish I  55  8  SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412  
 Spanish II  63  14  SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412 , SPAN 2311 , SPAN 2312  
 Western Civilization I  50  3  HIST 2311  
 Western Civilization II  50  3  HIST 2312  

CEEB (College Entrance Examination Board) Advanced Placement Examinations
These examinations are not administered at the college. Arrangements to take these tests must be made through a high school counselor.

Advanced Placement scores of 3 or better are accepted for designated subject areas.   If you have scores in an area not listed below, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

 Test  Minimum Score  Credit  Course Equivalent
 Biology  3
 BIOL 1406 
 BIOL 1406  / BIOL 1407  
 Calculus AB
 Calculus BC
 MATH 2413 
 MATH 2413  
 Chemistry  3
 CHEM 1411  
 CHEM 1411  / CHEM 1412  
 Computer Science A
 Computer Science B
 COSC 1309  
 COSC 1309  
 Computer Science AB  3
 COSC 1309 
 COSC 1309  / COSC 1320  
 English Literature / Language / Composition  3
 ENGL 1301 
 ENGL 1301  / ENGL 1302  
 European History  3
 HIST 2311 
 HIST 2311  / HIST 2312  
 Fine Arts (Studio Art / History)  3
 ARTS 1303  or ARTS 1304  
 ARTS 1303  / ARTS 1304  
 Government (American / US)  3  3  GOVT 2305  
 History (American / US)  3
 HIST 1301  
 HIST 1301  / HIST 1302  
 World History  3  3  HIST 2311  
 Macroeconomics  3  3  ECON 2301  
 Physics 1
 Physics 2
 PHYS 1401 
 PHYS 1402  
 Physics B  3
 PHYS 1401 
 PHYS 1401  / PHYS 1402  
 Physics C (Mechanical)  3  4  PHYS 2425  
 Physics C (Electrical)  3  4  PHYS 2426  
 Psychology  3  3  PSYC 2301  
 Spanish Language  3
 SPAN 1411 
 SPAN 1411  / SPAN 1412  
 Spanish (Intermediate)  5  6  SPAN 2311  / SPAN 2312  
 Statistics  3  3  MATH 1342  

ACT (American College Test)
Registration packets are available through the STEPS Learning Center. Howard College/SWCID awards credit on the basis of acceptable scores. Official transcript data must be filed with Howard College/SWCID prior to consideration of credit granted.

 Subject Examination   Minimum Score  Credit Hours  HC Course Equivalent
 ACT-English  25  3  ENGL 1301  
 ACT-English  28  6  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302  
 ACT-Math  25  3  MATH 1314  

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
Subject Tests: Registration packets are available through the STEPS Learning Center. Howard College/SWCID awards credit on the basis of acceptable scores. Official transcript data must be filed with Howard College prior to consideration of credit granted.

 Subject Examination  Minimum Score  Credit Hours  HC Course Equivalent
 SAT I-Verbal Aptitude  710  6  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302  
 SAT II-Writing  610  3  ENGL 1301  
 SAT II-Writing  680  6  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302  
 SAT II-US History  600  3  History 2301
 SAT II-US History  700  6  History 2301, 2302
 SAT II-Mathematics  670  3  MATH 1314  

Departmental Examinations
Students may obtain permission from division director to challenge certain courses through departmental examinations in subject areas where CLEP examinations are not available. Students will not be permitted to challenge courses with laboratory and clinical hours unless they have had and can show proof of documented training or work experience equivalent to the requirements of the courses. Students must take the exam WITHIN 30 DAYS from the date the application is approved in order to receive credit. Cost of the exam will be the current tuition rate per semester hour. Students should contact the appropriate instructional administrator to begin this process.

Military Credit
Credit for military programs may be awarded in accordance with the guidebooks for evaluating credit for training received in the military service. Students must score in the fiftieth percentile or above and submit an official copy of the scores to the admissions office.

Attending a class in order to observe and learn the information without taking part in the discussion or completing the other course requirements is an audit. No credit or grade is earned for auditing a class. The same fees are charged if the course is taken for credit or audit. A request for non-credit form must be completed and on file in the registrar’s office by the twelfth class day in the fall and spring and by the fourth class day in the summer.  NOTE: School officials may allow a person to visit a class during a single class period for recruiting and / or other programming purposes.  This must first be approved by the faculty member and does not constitute a course audit.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is offered in participating high schools, and the examinations are administered at the high school. In accordance with SB 111, students will be granted a minimum of 24 hours of credit if they have earned the IB Diploma and have no scores lower than 4 on the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) Exams. Howard College may grant fewer than 24 SCH to a student if the student has scored less than 4 on any IB examination administered as part of the diploma program. Students who participate in the IB Program may receive college credit for exam scores of 4 or better on most HL Exams and for a 5 or better on most SL Exams. Howard College will grant college credit based on the table below.

Applicants with the IB diploma must provide a completed IB transcript to the Admissions Office before enrolling in order to receive credit.


IB Exam Minimum Score Howard College Course
 Biology (SL)
 Biology (HL)
 BIOL 1406  
 BIOL 1406  AND BIOL 1407  
 Business and Management  4  BUSI 1301  
 Chemistry (SL)
 Chemistry (HL)
 CHEM 1411  
 CHEM 1411  AND CHEM 1412  
 Computer Science  4  COSC 1320  
 Economics (SL)
 Economics (HL)
 ECON 2301  
 ECON 2301  AND ECON 2302  
 English A1 or A2 (SL)
 English A1 or A2 (HL)
 Extended Essay


 ENGL 1301  
 ENGL 1301  AND ENGL 1302  
 ENGL 1302  
 Environmental Systems 4  GEOL 1403 OR GEOL 1404
 Geography (SL or HL) 4  GEOG 1301
 History of the Americas (SL)
 History of the Americas (HL)
 HIST 1301  
 HIST 1301  AND HIST 1302  
 Information Technology in a Global Society 4  SOCI 1306  
 Mathematics (HL) or
Mathematics with Further Mathematics
 Mathematics (HL)
 Mathematical Methods
 Mathematical Studies


 MATH 1348  AND MATH 2313  

 MATH 2313  
 MATH 1316  
 MATH 1324  
 Modern Languages
 Language AB
 Other Languages


 FREN 1411
 GERM 1411
 PORT 1411
 RUSS 1411
 SPAN 1411  
 Language B (SL)
 Other Languages
 Language B (HL)
 Other Languages
 Language A1 or A2 (SL OR HL)
 Other Languages




 FREN 1411 AND 1412
 GERM 1411 AND 1412
 PORT 1411 AND 1412
 RUSS 1411 AND 1412
 SPAN 1411  AND SPAN 1412  
 **** 1411 AND 1412

 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 PORT 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 RUSS 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412 , SPAN 2311 , AND SPAN 2312  
 **** 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312

 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 PORT 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 RUSS 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412 , SPAN 2311 , AND SPAN 2312 
 **** 1411, 1412, 2311, AND 2312
 Music 4  MUSI 1306  
 Philosophy 4  PHIL 1301  
 Psychology 4  PSYC 2301  
 Physics (SL) 4  
 Physics (HL) 4  
 Social and Cultural Anthropology 4  
 Theater Arts 5  
 Visual Arts 5