Mar 14, 2025  
Employee Handbook 
Employee Handbook

Policy: 2.1 Board, Administrative Organization, and Organizational Charts

Organizational Structure  

Policy: 2.1 Board, Administrative Organization, and Organizational Charts

Adoption Date: December 14, 2020 Revised


The Howard County Junior College District is governed by a seven‑member Board of Trustees, elected by the citizens of Howard County.  The Board names its own officers, including chairperson, vice chairperson, and a secretary‑treasurer.  The Board typically meets monthly in regular session and may be called into special session.  It is the ultimate legal authority for the college district.  (See appendix for policy governing meetings of the Board of Trustees.)

The function of the Board is primarily that of policy making, but all major official acts of the college district require Board approval, including sale or purchase of property, new building programs, the annual budget and its subsequent revisions, new degree-granting programs, and the employment of members of the faculty and professional staff based on the president’s recommendation through the consent agenda.  The Board is kept informed on institutional developments as well as specific matters requiring its immediate judgment.  It defines the needs of the college district and interprets the educational aspirations of the people residing in the service area of the district.





Consonant with the tradition of American higher education, the president advises the governing board on all matters affecting the general welfare of the college district.  The president serves as the official representative and spokesperson for the district in all relationships with the various governmental jurisdictions and with such other bodies as the college may have occasion to be associated.  As chief executive officer of the district, the president is authorized to organize the district into administrative and instructional units and to assign or to reassign personnel.  The president is responsible for the overall strategic planning and intended outcomes for the college in conjunction with the District Executive Cabinet and assures its effective implementation.   Finally, the president faithfully executes all policies required by statute or adopted by the Board of Trustees. The following positions report to the president and serve on the District Executive Cabinet.  The responsible functions of each administrator can be found in the attached HCJCD Organizational Chart by cabinet structure and function.  In addition, organizational charts detailing further organizational structure are provided.



The Executive Vice President serves as the chief academic and student affairs officer for the college district and the Big Spring campus.   The Executive Vice President is responsible for Coordinating Board institutional reporting requirements as well as other federal, regional, state and local entities. The Executive Vice President provides oversight of the liaison to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges as well as the Quality Enhancement Plan Leadership team.  The Executive Vice President is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments.   The Executive Vice President is the officer in charge when the president is unavailable.



The Chief Fiscal Officer/Controller has primary responsibility for the fiscal affairs of the college district and college budget.    The Chief Fiscal Officer/Controller serves as an investment officer according to investment policy guidelines.  The Chief Fiscal Officer/Controller is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Chief Business Officer/Internal Auditor has primary responsibility for the business affairs of the college district.  The Chief Business Officer/Internal Auditor serves in the role of risk management officer and internal auditor, and acts as an investment officer as well. The Chief Business Officer/Internal Auditor is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Chief Operations/Safety and Security Officer has primary responsibility for safety and security as well as the facilities operations and master planning of the college district. Additional responsibility includes environmental compliance, construction management, plant and fleet maintenance, grounds and athletic fields and transportation.  The Chief Operations and Safety/Security Officer is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Chief Human Resources Officer has primary responsibility for personnel and benefits, contracts and letters of employment, employee ADA accommodation and federal and state reporting for the college district as well as evaluations, testing, mandatory training, grievance process and payroll.   The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Chief Technology Systems/Data Security Officer has primary responsibility for the security of data, information technology services for the college district as well as ERP and student information systems.  The Chief Technology Systems/Data Security Officer is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Provost provides leadership for San Angelo instruction and student services and supervises site compliance with HCJCD policies and procedures. The Provost oversees community and workforce development initiatives. The Provost is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 



The Provost provides leadership for SWCD instruction and student services and supervises site compliance with HCJCD policies and procedures. The Provost oversees community and workforce development initiatives. The Provost is responsible for strategic planning and establishing intended outcomes for the area and assessing the progress of the achievement of intended outcomes by using surveys, program reviews, and other evaluation instruments. 


See following Organizational Chart.