Guiding Principles
Policy: 1.10 Health and Safety
Adoption Date: January 27, 2016 – Revised
In extreme cases, an employee may be required to undergo a medical examination if information received from the employee, the employee’s supervisor, or other sources indicates the employee has a physical or mental impairment that:
1. Interferes with the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions; or
2. Poses a direct threat to the health or safety of the employee or others. A communicable or other infectious disease may constitute a direct threat.
The District will be responsible for the cost of the initial medical examination as approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Results of the examination must be provided to the Chief Human Resources Officer. Subsequent evaluation and care will be at the expense of the employee. The employee may be placed on leave with pay while awaiting results of the examination and evaluating the results at the discretion of the President.
Based on the results of the examination, the Chief Human Resources Officer, in conjunction with the supervisor and Cabinet member, will determine if the employee may return to work or if they are to remain on leave. If it is determined that the employee should remain on leave, the employee’s accrued leave will be used. If the employee exhausts his/her accrued leave, eligibility for the Sick Leave Pool will be reviewed.
Failure to seek the requested medical examination may result in termination from the District.
Crisis Services hotline (contract with local MHMR): 800-375-4357
National Suicide hotline/Veterans Crisis Line: 800-784-2433
If deemed necessary, employees should call 911 in the event of any emergency on site.