Guiding Principles
Policy: 1.6 Tobacco Use/eCigarette Use
Adoption Date: January 26, 2015 - Revised
SMOKING OR OTHER USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND USE OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE DEVICES IS PROHIBITED IN ALL HOWARD COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT FACILITIES AND VEHICLES. Individuals must not smoke or use other tobacco products within twenty (20) feet of doorways and entrances to buildings and within fifty (50) feet of day care facilities. Prohibited products and devices include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, e-cigarettes, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems, and tobacco-like products. All materials used for smoking in designated smoking areas, including cigarette butts and matches, should be disposed of in appropriate containers.
On sites where smoking areas are provided, individuals must make reasonable effort to use these areas for tobacco users.
Faculty is expected to enforce the no tobacco rule/no e-cigarette rule in the classroom/lab as a courtesy to colleagues and students. The faculty is encouraged to include this information in the syllabus/class handout. All employees are expected to help enforce the no tobacco rule/no e-cigarette rule in non-classroom areas, facilities, and vehicles. College employees that see violations should ask the person or persons in violation to move; to extinguish their smoking materials/electronic devices; or to leave the facility or vehicle. Non-compliance with the request should be reported to the appropriate administrator.