Guiding Principles
Policy: 1.4 Crime Awareness and Site Security Policy
Adoption Date: January 27, 2016 – Revised
Howard College strives to maintain a safe and secure environment in which to work and study. Howard College is concerned about the protection of persons and property. The institution cannot, however, guarantee the absolute safety of any one individual. Personal safety must begin with the individual. Howard College provides a number of safety services, programs, and policies (see appendix for safety awards program). Employees, students, and visitors can create a safe environment for the entire site by working together.
Howard College strongly encourages employees, students, and others to report criminal actions and emergencies that occur at any site. Reports should be made to security personnel and to the appropriate administrative office (Provost at each site and Director, Lamesa). Persons who are victims of crimes, as well as persons who are witnesses to crimes, will greatly enhance the success of the institution’s actions by reporting incidents promptly.
Howard College sites are monitored by security personnel who may or may not commissioned as peace officers. Each site has working relationships with local law enforcement agencies whereby all disturbances, criminal activities, and suspicious activities are reported to local law enforcement authorities.
Howard College recognizes the high cost of violent incidents and the disruptive effect they have on employees and productivity. Personal harassment (including stalking), abusive behavior, and violence are not tolerated in this workplace.
A. Threats (including those made by mail, over the telephone, by fax, or by email), intimidation, and acts of violence, with or without the presence of a weapon, will not be tolerated at Howard College. Reported violations of this policy will be investigated, documented, and may result in disciplinary actions up to and including immediate suspension (with or without pay) and/or dismissal, and the filing of appropriate criminal charges.
B. All employees, regardless of position, are responsible for the immediate reporting of any threats received, witnessed, or communicated to them. Employees should also report unusual or threatening behavior, even though it may not be in the form of a direct threat, when such behavior makes the employee(s) fearful for their continued safety or the safety of others. Reportable threats include those made by co-workers, students, or outsiders entering the workplace - such as spouse, job applicants, etc. Employees must make such reports regardless of the relationship of the employee to the person who initiated the threat or behavior. Reports should be made immediately, without fear of retaliation, to a supervisor, personnel management, or to any member of Howard College administration. Howard College administration must immediately report all incidents of threatening behavior to the Chief Operations/Safety and Security Officer for Howard College or designee.
C. There is not anything in this policy that relieves a supervisor or manager from taking immediate action when the safety or security of employees is threatened, and time is crucial. Such action may include a call to local law enforcement, suspension (with or without pay), or the temporary separation of employees in the workplace. This policy does not replace routine management actions such as counseling, reprimands, or changes in work assignments, as applicable. This policy is intended for those cases of immediate and/or continuing inappropriate action(s) or threat(s) including those where normal management and personnel actions have been ineffective and the possibility of violence is such that local law enforcement and others need to be involved.
D. Following a serious threat or an act of violence in the workplace, employees, witnesses, and families often suffer from stress-related ailments such as depression, anger, headaches, and continued fear. Howard College, through a group of administrators identified as the Crisis Management Team, will provide debriefing teams, counseling, and support as needed to those affected. These actions, provided within a 24 to 72-hour period following the traumatic event, will help to minimize the impact of an incident and prevent further violence.
Brochures are published and made available, via the Howard College web page and by hard copy that give more information concerning security services, crime prevention, general safety, and security on and off site. In compliance with the Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Howard College makes descriptions of policies related to site security and statistics concerning specific types of crimes accessible to all current students and employees and to applicants for enrollment and employment through its website. Additionally, sex offender information is available on the website. This web site is the official Internet source for Sex Offender Registration information. The Sex Offender Registration open record information is extracted from the DPS Sex Offender Registration Database. The DPS maintains files based on registration information submitted by criminal justice agencies and represents a statewide source of information on sex offenders required by law to register. For additional information on Sex Offenders please contact the Student Services Office at each site.
Not later than the later of the seventh day after the date on which the person begins to work or the first date the applicable authority by policy allows the person to register, a person required to register under Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 62 who is employed or carries on a vocation at a public or private institution of higher education in this state shall report that fact to:
1. The authority for site security for that institution; or
2. If an authority for site security for that institution does not exist, the local law enforcement authority of:
a. The municipality in which the institution is located; or
b. The county in which the institution is located, if the institution is not located in a municipality.
The person described above shall provide the authority for site security or the local law enforcement authority all information the person is required to provide under Code of Criminal Procedure 62.051(c). The person shall notify the authority for site security or the local law enforcement authority not later than the seventh day after the date of termination of the person’s status as a worker at the institution.
The authority for site security or the local law enforcement authority shall promptly forward to the administrative office of the institution any information received from the person under Code of Criminal Procedure 62.153 and any information received from the Texas Department of Public Safety under Code of Criminal Procedure 62.005.
This section does not impose the requirements of public notification or notification to public or private primary or secondary schools on:
1. An authority for site security; or
2. A local law enforcement authority, if those requirements relate to a person about whom the authority is not otherwise required by Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 62 to make notifications.