Guiding Principles
Policy: 1.1 Ethics and Philosophy
Adoption Date: December 19, 2005 - Revised
It is the policy of Howard College to adhere to the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mission within the spirit and letter of federal law and regulations, state law and regulations, local ordinances, national and regional accrediting regulations, and the policies of the college district. This policy applies to all members of the college community including the Board of Trustees, college employees, and students.
Howard College accepts its responsibilities to those it serves and will meet those responsibilities with balance, fairness, accountability, and ethical integrity. The implementation of this responsibility will be carried out by its Board of Trustees, college employees, and students accordingly.
No employee or board member will accept goods or services in exchange for employment or personal gain. Advertising items of nominal value are allowed. If an individual has questions concerning the acceptance of a gift, please contact the President’s office for guidance.
Howard College believes that education is the primary purpose of the institution and that the programs and services of the college should be available to all citizens who are able to benefit from them. The college is committed to excellence in carrying out its purpose of education and in the efficient and effective use of its resources in meeting the educational needs of its students and the community.
The college seeks to treat each person of the college community as a unique individual and provide a positive, encouraging, and success-oriented environment. College policies that promote and protect the rights and development of each individual in the college community will be enforced; this includes freedom from harassment, including sexual harassment, and freedom to develop as a student and/or college employee.