Relationship of Part-Time Employee to College
Policy: 9.7 Professional Growth and Development/Faculty, Meetings and Training
Adoption Date: May 22, 2023 Revised
Howard College recognizes the need for the continued professional growth and development of all faculty. The continued professional growth and development of faculty is necessary for institutions of higher education to continue to provide educational programs which include new developments and knowledge in academic disciplines, reflect new instructional programs and public service techniques and strategies, and meet changing needs and expectations of students. Individual faculty members must take the initiative in promoting their own growth as teachers, scholars, and, especially in professional and occupational fields, practitioners. While some institutional funds are available for professional growth and development, all faculty are responsible for their own continued professional development. Application for institutional funds is made through the instructional administrator at each site. Howard College encourages professional growth and development by offering one professional development day each academic year. Part-time faculty are required to attend an adjunct orientation (online or in person) each academic year and are required to earn one (1) hour of professional growth each semester they teach, as well as complete required online training each year. Documentation of this professional growth must be submitted to the division director/chair annually. Forms are available in the Hawk Hub.
Additional professional growth activities may include but are not limited to:
- Teleconferences or telecourses.
- Workshops, seminars, and/or short courses to develop new skills.
- Scholarly papers presented at the local, regional, state, and/or national level. A paper is defined as any work of original thesis or proposition that may or may not involve extensive research.
- Publication of books, articles, and papers.
- Active participation in professional associations and organizations at the local, regional, state, and national level.
- Service to the college - providing programs or workshops for students, staff, or faculty or development of new instructional materials and/or courses.
- Service to the community - providing programs or workshops to organizations or civic groups.
- Writing and submitting a grant.
- Completion of approved college courses.
- Occupational/work experience - must pertain to the faculty’s immediate teaching areas or related fields. Work experience, excluding Howard College appointments, shall include but not be limited to outside instruction, summer or part-time employment, salaried/non-salaried, or contract work. Since the goal of occupational/work experience is to refine, develop, or update faculty skills, diversification in work experience shall be encouraged.
Faculty teaching via interactive television (ITV) for the first time must attend a training orientation prior to the course start date. Training for faculty teaching via interactive television (ITV) will include training in the use of ITV equipment as well as teaching techniques appropriate to the ITV classroom. Training requirements for faculty teaching online courses are detailed in Policy 6.16.
General convocations of the part-time faculty are called by the instructional administrator. Part-time faculty may be convened by their respective instructional administrators as appropriate. Part-time faculty are also invited to attend the professional development day activities for full-time faculty.