Mar 14, 2025
Employee Handbook
Policy: 9.6 Duties and Responsibilities for Part-Time Faculty
Relationship of Part-Time Employee to College
Policy: 9.6 Duties and Responsibilities for Part-Time Faculty
Adoption Date: January 27, 2016 Revised
Under the direct supervision of the appropriate administrator, a part-time faculty member performs the following duties:
- Responsible for adhering to all college policies and procedures as outline in the Employee Handbook at www.howardcollege.edu. If assistance is needed, contact Human Resources.
- Maintains satisfactory attendance.
- Teaches assigned classes following approved course syllabi.
- Is on time for classes and notifies the supervisor as early as possible of an unscheduled absence.
- Posts and keeps office hours as appropriate for student consultation, as approved by the division director, in addition to student conferences by appointment.
- Cooperates with substitute instructors and maintains course continuity.
- Makes all required grade reports to the office of the Registrar promptly and according to schedule.
- Maintains a class roll and grade book in which are recorded the daily attendance, grades, and the semester grade averages for all students.
- Ensures integrity of all exams.
- Reports all student problems in need of special consideration to the appropriate official.
- Makes such special reports as may be requested by various administrative officers.
- Serves on faculty committees as appropriate.
- Performs such extra‑class duties as may be assigned by the administration.
- Advise students when there is opportunity, realizing that the faculty member is often in the best position for effective guidance.
- Keeps the administration informed regarding problems, progress, and matters affecting the welfare of students, faculty, or the institution in general.
- At the beginning of the semester, clearly inform the students in writing of the manner in which grades are determined.
- At the end of the term, checks out with the appropriate administrators.
- Is a good public relations agent, both in the classroom and the community, to include projecting a professional image in the areas of dress, appearance, personal grooming, and conduct.
- Channels each request or grievance through the administrative hierarchy delineated in the organizational chart of the college.
- Creates and implements an acceptable learning environment associated with the instructional process.
- Writes and maintains a course syllabus for each course taught that adheres to established guidelines and requirements.
- Assesses student learning outcomes and program outcomes following established procedures and deadlines and submits appropriate and adequate documentation.
- Actively participates in meetings and trainings as called by instructional leaders to analyze student learning assessment results.
- Uses assessment results to plan and implement changes in courses and/or programs in an effort to improve student learning outcomes.
- Does not abuse alcohol or indulge in illegal drugs.
- Maintains only those personal relationships with students and colleagues that do not interfere with the performance of professional duties.
- Maintains effective working relationships with colleagues and supervisors.
- Teaches classes using established texts and/or prescribed instructional materials.
- Maintains professional competence.
- Prepares adequately for classes.
- Assists in maintaining effective laboratories where applicable.
- Attends all faculty meetings as required by the administration. Invited to attend graduation and participate by wearing appropriate graduation attire, but not required.
- Administer appropriate assessment instruments and submits required documentation to the appropriate administrator.
- Performs other duties as assigned.