Relationship of Part-Time Employee to College
Policy: 9.1 Hiring, Benefits, Evaluations
Adoption Date: May 22, 2023 Revised
The college employs both part-time faculty and non-faculty positions. These positions have no property rights and are at-will positions. Part-time employees are not eligible for leave benefits including vacation and sick leave. Adjunct faculty receive letters of intent. Policies in the following sections of this handbook pertain to part-time employees, and part-time employees should become familiar with the policies: Guiding Principles, Organizational Structure, Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement, and Business and Operating Policies and Procedures. In addition, part-time faculty should become familiar with applicable policies in the full-time faculty section of the Employee Handbook.
1. RecruitmentWhen a department determines there is a need for a part-time position (based on their budget), the hiring supervisor must notify Human Resources. If the hiring supervisor chooses to post the position, they will send the information to Human Resources who will create a job posting. Part-time positions may be posted on-site and on the college web site.
a. Applications received by Human Resources are forwarded to the appropriate hiring supervisor for the interview process. Applications submitted directly to the hiring supervisor should be forwarded to Human Resources.
b. Applicants’ original files are kept in the Human Resources Office.
c. Applications will be kept on file for one year.
2. Interviewing/Selection
a. The supervisor selects qualified applicants for interviews. At least one reference check will be required on part-time employees by the hiring supervisor. In the case of student employees, letters of reference that are already on file for other purposes, such as scholarship consideration, may be substituted for this one required reference check.
b. Some part-time applicants may be subject to a criminal background check prior to employment with the college. The applicant’s signed release is obtained from Human Resources. If more information is needed to process the criminal background check, the Human Resource department will contact the applicant. If the position being filled requires a criminal background check, this will be done before the official offer of employment is extended to the applicant.
c. The Human Resources department will notify the hiring department if the applicant is eligible for hire. No offer of employment may be extended until “eligibility for hire” notification is given by the Human Resources department. Background check information will be kept confidential in the Human Resources office.
d. Pay rates for part-time positions are determined by the adjunct faculty schedule or the part-time salary schedule (see appendix).
e. The hiring supervisor will submit a Payroll Recommendation, references, and any other applicant materials to Human Resources.
3. Commitment to Employ
Note: No employee may begin working at Howard College until all required documentation is on file and all procedural requirements have been met. Any questions regarding this section must be cleared with the Chief Human Resources Officer in advance.
a. When an applicant is hired, the new part-time employee should contact the Human Resources department prior to the first day of employment to complete new hire paperwork. Human Resources will notify the supervisor via email when the employee is released to work.
b. Employees of less than eighteen years of age are only hired when the employing supervisor is willing to accept total responsibility for compliance with the Federal Child Labor Laws. These laws are available from the Human Resources Office or the federal government. The employing supervisor will be required to sign a statement accepting total responsibility for said compliance.
c. Business Office records are checked for any outstanding charges the new employee may have as a former employee or student. If outstanding charges are found, the employee will be notified that deductions will occur from their monthly check until all outstanding charges are recovered.
There may be instances where workload may qualify a part-time employee for insurance and retirement benefits. Per Section 4890H of the Internal Revenue Code, enacted by the Affordable Care Act, February 12, 2014, part-time faculty are credited with 2.25 hours of service per week for each credit hour they teach. If they work 30 hours or more per week, they are eligible for insurance benefits after a 60-day waiting period. Plans for group health insurance, group life insurance, group dental insurance, and short term and long-term disability insurance are available to these employees. The coverage may be selected under the IRS Code 25 cafeteria plan. Information regarding eligibility for these benefits may be obtained from the Human Resources office. Employees or eligible dependents will have the option to convert medical and dental coverage to individual policies at their own expense upon termination of their relationship with the district. The policies will be administered by
Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) according to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA).
Part‑time employees who meet the eligibility requirement for benefits are required to belong to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). Part-time employees belonging to TRS through another employer are required to include their college earnings in the retirement plan.
Employees that elect TRS will have a percentage of his/her gross salary deducted each month and deposited with TRS. The State Comptroller will place a percentage in the employee’s TRS account each month.
The employee can withdraw the personal contribution to TRS when he/she is no longer a college employee. However, if an employee remains with the college for a minimum of five (5) years, he/she has a vested interest and is entitled to receive
the benefits from it upon retirement. Complete information regarding the Teacher Retirement Program is available in the Human Resources office or online @ .Part-time employees who are not eligible for insurance benefits, and who are not covered by TRS at another entity, are required to contribute to the part-time retirement account. Employees will have a 7.5% deduction each month that is deposited with the current third-party administrator for the part-time retirement plan.
Under the provision of public law, an employee of the college may be eligible to purchase a tax‑deferred retirement annuity. While the annuity is being purchased, the employee does not pay current income taxes on the amount deducted from his/her salary for the annuity premium. Taxes will be paid on the deferred annuity at retirement.
If the employee signs a contract for a tax-sheltered annuity program, his/her current salary is reduced by whatever amount is stated on the contract. This is defined as a reduction rather than a deduction to comply with the current tax regulations. Interested employees may obtain information on annuity programs, including a list of approved carriers, from the Human Resources office. A carrier may be removed from the active list by action of the Welfare Committee at any time. Only those companies shown on the List of 403(b) Certified Companies on the Teacher Retirement System web site will be considered for approval. If a company is removed from the TRS list, they will immediately be removed as an active carrier. Only those employees using that carrier at the time they become inactive may continue to use the carrier.
All college employees are covered by workers’ compensation insurance while in the course and scope of their duties for the college. Workers’ compensation insurance pays for medical bills resulting from injuries or illness an employee incurs while in the course and scope of his/her duties with the college. Workers’ compensation also pays a partial salary continuation benefit for time lost from work as the result of an eligible work-related injury or illness. The length and amount paid are governed by State law. For injuries resulting in long-term or permanent disability, the employee may be eligible for other payments as governed by State law.
Reporting Responsibility:
Any employee who experiences an on-the-job injury is required to notify his/her supervisor and the Chief Human Resources Officer as soon as possible after the incident occurs. The employee is required to complete the Injury Report and submits it to the Chief Human Resources Officer. If the employee is unable to report the injury or complete the Injury Report, the supervisor and/or co-worker should report the incident immediately to the Chief Human Resources Officer.
Lost Time:
It is the policy of the college that if an employee is disabled or unable to work because of an occupational accident, the employee shall be compensated as follows: Employees will be paid by the college during the seven-day “waiting period” as defined by workers’ compensation if the employee has accrued sick leave or vacation to cover the period. If the employee does not have accrued sick leave or vacation to cover the seven-day waiting period, that period will be without pay. Employees receiving pay under the workmen’s compensation program will not receive salary compensation from the college during the period that they are being paid by workers’ compensation.
The Board of Trustees may authorize legal service for employees who are sued for actions that occur in the performance of their assigned duties. Information may be obtained from the Chief Human Resources Officer. Employees are encouraged to consider legal insurance available through the Texas Community College Teachers Association.
Employees eligible for participation in the college insurance and retirement plans (as defined by the Employee Retirement System) may take advantage of several fringe benefits outlined below:
Credit Classes
Tuition costs may be waived for part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits for a total of 6 hours per semester. Eligible dependents, as defined by the Employee Retirement System and/or the U.S. Department of Education Financial Aid Program, may be provided a scholarship to cover a portion of the cost of enrolling in courses for credit. In-District eligible dependents will receive a $150.00 scholarship and Out-of-District eligible dependents will receive a $180.00 scholarship not to exceed the cost of enrollment per semester. The eligible dependent is required to pay appropriate tuition, and Trustees, employees and part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits and eligible dependents are required to pay course fees, activity fees, building use fees, and regular lab fees. Trustees, employees, part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits or dependents will be required to pay for kits or other supplies required for class. Trustees, employees and part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits that have resigned or whose tenure/employment is not expected to continue through the semester are not eligible to participate in either the Tuition Waiver or the Trustees/Employee’s Dependent Scholarship program.
Classes taken for audit purposes only cannot be covered through this program. Part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits or dependents who withdraw from all classes or fail to achieve a 2.0 semester grade point average on courses paid in whole or in part from the Employee Scholarship program will be required to self-pay for courses the next semester. The Employee scholarship fund will be reinstated once a part-time employee eligible for ERS insurance benefits or his/her dependents complete a semester of course work with a 2.0 GPA or above.
Non-Credit/Continuing Education Classes
Part-time employees eligible for ERS insurance benefits may enroll in continuing education classes at 50% of the standard tuition and fees unless otherwise notified. Dependents of part-time employees eligible for HC employee benefits are not eligible for the tuition reduction for continuing education classes. Students will be required to pay for books, kits, or other supplies required for class.
Fitness Center
Part-time employees and their dependents over the age of 18 may use the fitness center at no charge. Part-time employees using the Fitness Center under this arrangement will not receive college credit. Part-time employees wishing to receive credit may enroll under the Employee Scholarship program described above. Eligible dependents may enroll in the Fitness Center for credit under the Trustees/employee scholarship program.
Employees that are having difficulty in coping with a personal problem are encouraged to contact the district counseling department. The counseling department will assist employees in seeking the appropriate help while maintaining a level of confidentiality.
Employees should not bring children to the site and leave them unattended while involved in work or site business during regular working hours. Children should not attend work with their parents. In the event of a temporary, unusual circumstance, an employee should discuss the issue with the respective cabinet member. On the Big Spring site, a childcare center is available for employee’s children depending on space.
Effective September 1, 2015, per HB 786, the college will make reasonable accommodations for the needs of employees who express breast milk for one year after the child’s birth. A reasonable amount of break time will be provided. One 15-minute break during each half of the work shift will be allowed with pay. The employee must submit leave for any additional time taken. A location will be provided that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from other employees and the public.
Each employee with three years or less experience in the Howard County Junior College District will be evaluated annually through the use of evaluation forms furnished by the college. Employees with four or more years will be evaluated every three years or as deemed necessary by their supervisor. Current positions that have minor changes in responsibilities can be reviewed for consideration of evaluation deviating from this schedule at the discretion of the respective cabinet member and/or Human Resources office. The results of the evaluations will be reviewed with each respective employee. Evaluations will be done by February 28 of each year. The purpose of these evaluations includes improvement of the performance, review of broad banding points as appropriate, job promotion, termination, and other related items. Job descriptions will also be updated. (See Faculty Section for more information on Faculty Evaluations)
Employees should check out in the Human Resources office on or before their last day. Supervisors should submit a Payroll Recommendation form indicating the employee’s last day.
The college will deduct any outstanding charges (former student or employee) found during the check-out process from the employee’s last paycheck. This includes keys/fobs, and any equipment not returned. If charges exceed the last check, the employee must sign a repayment agreement for the remaining balance.