Mar 14, 2025  
Employee Handbook 
Employee Handbook

Policy: 8.2 Duties and Responsibilities of Professional Employees

Relationship of Exempt Employee to College  

Policy: 8.2 Duties and Responsibilities of Professional Employees

Adoption Date: January 27, 2016  Revised


Under the direct supervision of the designated administrator and/or supervisor, an employee performs the following duties:

  1. Responsible for adhering to all college policies and procedures as outlined in the Employee Handbook at  If assistance is needed, contact Human Resources.
  2. Maintains satisfactory attendance.
  3. Fulfills duties as defined in the position job description.
  4. Is on time for assigned duties and notifies the appropriate supervisor as early as possible of an unscheduled absence.
  5. Assists with the registration of students as assigned.
  6. Reports all problems in need of special consideration to the appropriate official.
  7. Makes such special reports as may be requested by various administrative officers.
  8. Attends all meetings called by the college administration.  Staff in the student services area are required to attend commencements and other official convocations.  All staff are invited to participate in graduation by wearing appropriate graduation attire. 
  9. Serves actively on committees as appointed by the president.
  10. Cooperates, participates, and encourages participation in the formal evaluation process.
  11. Keeps the administration informed regarding problems, progress, and matters affecting the welfare of the institution in general.
  12. Processes and maintains general budget expenditures for the appropriate program as applicable.
  13. Is a good public relations agent both on the site and in the community, to include projecting a professional image in the areas of dress, appearance, personal grooming, and conduct.
  14. Does not abuse alcohol or indulge in illegal drugs.
  15. Channels each request or grievance through the administrative hierarchy delineated in the organizational chart of the college.
  16. Maintains only those personal relationships with students and colleagues that do not interfere with the performance of professional duties.
  17. Administers appropriate assessment instruments and submits required documentation to the appropriate administrator.
  18. Participates in strategic planning and institutional effectiveness.
  19. Performs such extra duties as may be assigned by the administration.

* Failure to abide by these policies may be considered breach of contract.


Exempt employees may be subject to assignment of additional professional duties. Duties may include accepting teaching assignments, serving on task force/committees, or sponsoring student organizations.  In some instances, certain teaching assignments are part of the employee job description and additional compensation will not be given.  When institutional need warrants teaching assignments that are not written into the job description and requires additional duties beyond the responsibilities of the current position, consideration may be given for additional compensation in the form of adjunct pay. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.