Relationship of Faculty to College
Policy: 6.15 Online Course Development and Review
Adoption Date: January 27, 2016 Revised
Online, hybrid, and enhanced courses will be built utilizing the approved master template. Prior to a course being offered for the first time in Blackboard Ultra, it will be reviewed by the Dean of eLearning and Instructional Design. Following the initial review, courses will be reviewed again by the Dean of eLearning and Instructional Design in the same year that the faculty member teaching the course is due for a classroom evaluation by their supervisor. The same criteria will be used to evaluate the courses in the initial and subsequent reviews. The review will ensure the instructor has included a syllabus; Getting Started module with a welcome, instructor introduction, instructional materials, syllabus, and course map; a calendar; and appropriately labeled learning modules which demonstrate the minimum standards of excellence in the courses including lecture, assessment, application, and interaction. After the online course(s) go live, the supervisor will select one online course to observe that term.
The Policies and Procedures manual can be found by logging in to Blackboard at and on the Online Teaching and Learning Center.