Mar 14, 2025  
Employee Handbook 
Employee Handbook

Policy: 6.13 Educational Support Services

Relationship of Faculty to College  

Policy: 6.13 Educational Support Services

Adoption Date: December 19, 2005  Revised


Faculty members are expected to become familiar with the resources of the library.  They are expected to guide their students in the development of habits, attitudes, and skills that will enable them to use the library effectively.  The librarian consults with the division directors concerning needed acquisitions by May 15 and October 15 of each year.  New subscriptions to periodicals must be made prior to February 15 of each year.

Books from the regular collections circulate for three weeks and may be renewed if not in demand.  Periodicals, special reference works, and audio‑visual materials may be borrowed only by the faculty.  Materials may be reserved for part or all of a semester by giving written notice to the librarian well in advance of assignments.  This notice should indicate author, title, call number, number of copies, and length of reserve period.  All materials are removed from reserve at the end of the semester.

The librarian assists classroom instruction by placing books on reserve, giving guided tours of the library, providing library orientation to classes, and offering various other services.

The library has supplies and equipment for preparing many kinds of media, including overhead projector transparencies, video and audiocassettes, slides, tapes, and laminated posters.


Instructors must give students the option of purchasing used books if available, with the exception of consumable books.  The bookstore will not purchase back books that have a large amount of writing, answers to quizzes, etc.  Instructors within the same department are not required to use the same book.  It is the instructor’s option to use the past book edition or to adopt the newest edition.

It is the instructor’s option to label a book either “required” or “optional.”  Optional textbooks recommended by instructors should be clearly marked as an optional text on the adoption form.  Textbook adoptions not marked as optional will automatically be considered required texts.  Once a book is designated as required, it will not be refunded.

Instructors are encouraged to select textbooks for a minimum three-year adoption period.  Instructors should communicate the basis for anticipated, unusual enrollment increases or decreases in courses when these conditions can be predicted.  Site administrators will distribute procedures relative to the adoption of textbooks.


Each site has institutional support services to include tutoring, test-taking, and counseling services for students.  Please contact the site administrator for details.


Academic advising procedures vary on each site.  Please contact the site administrator for details.


Faculty may contact the WEB CT administrator for assistance in developing on-line courses.