Relationship of Faculty to College
Policy: 6.12 Course Management
Adoption Date: April 27, 20222 Revised
Each faculty member will have at hand a syllabus or course outline for each course that he/she teaches. All faculty will use the same prescribed format for preparing syllabi. The division director shall have on file copies of all syllabi for courses currently taught in the division.
It is expected that assignments will be planned so that students with average capacity, adequate prerequisites, and reasonably good study habits may complete the preparation in two hours for each hour in class. As appropriate, faculty will include the following statement in the syllabus: College-level courses may include controversial, sensitive, and/or adult material. Students are expected to have the readiness for college-level rigor and content.
Arrangements for a field trip for a class should be made through the supervisor or division director and the instructional administrator well in advance of the trip. They will need to know the nature and purpose of the trip, sponsorship, names of students who will be going, and the estimated time frame of the trip. Transportation and expenses must be approved by the supervisor or division director and the instructional administrator prior to the event.
Effective classroom teaching necessitates the use of examinations both for the purpose of instruction and for evaluation of student achievement. The teacher as a diagnostician should utilize the type of tests best suited to the information being sought.
Each faculty member will determine and announce by the third-class session what the examination policy and approximate schedule will be. Examinations will be scheduled only in regular class or laboratory periods.
Final examinations are required for all students in all classes that are offered for college credit. Examinations are to be held according to schedules prepared by the instructional administrator.
Regular and punctual class attendance is important to the attainment of the educational objectives of the college. Each instructor or program will have attendance guidelines with administrative approval that will be consistent with the mission of the college but will fulfill individual course requirements. Each instructor’s policy will be explained in detail to the class at the beginning to the semester and will be included in the course syllabus. Attendance is effective on the first day of classes of the semester.
Regular and punctual attendance in class and laboratories is expected of all students. Excused absences for college activities will be reported to faculty by memo from the Dean of Students. All other absences will be evaluated by the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the faculty member concerning any absence as soon as the student is aware that he/she will be absent or as soon as the student returns to class. The student must take the initiative and assume the responsibility for making up any missed work. In some cases, the student may be required to present evidence to support an absence.
According to the instructor’s attendance policy, an instructor may choose to officially drop the student from the class with the student receiving a grade of “W.” However, if the instructor does not choose to officially drop the student from class, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the class if he/she chooses. The student may contact the instructor to discuss his/her specific situation, but the instructor will not be required to provide make-up opportunities for unexcused absences. A student who is not dropped by the instructor and chooses not to drop will at the conclusion of the semester receive the appropriate grade achieved by his/her course work.
A student who does not attend developmental or remedial courses when required by TSIA policies may be dropped from the class. Students who are dropped from all their developmental courses may be administratively withdrawn from all Howard College courses.
A faculty member may award a grade of FX at the end of the term to a student regardless of mode of instruction (face to face, online, ITV) or student classification (dual credit, traditional). This grade means that the student registered and paid for the course and failed the course because the student missed an excessive number of classes and did not exercise the right to drop the course or was not eligible to drop the course because of regulations. Logging into an online course without active participation is seen as non-attending. For each grade of FX submitted, the last date the student attended the course must be reported. Grades of FX will not be posted without this date.
A grade of “FX” is treated exactly the same as a grade of “F” in terms of grade point average, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress. The grade of FX indicates a completed course just as a grade of F indicates a completed course. The grade of FX is not a drop or withdrawal and will appear on the transcript as FX. The process to appeal the grade of FX is the same as an appeal for any other faculty awarded grades.
Excessive Absences shall be defined by the individual faculty member clearly in his/her syllabus. Faculty members do not have to use this option.
It is the duty of the instructor in charge to see that order is preserved, and the instructor is authorized to exclude any student from the room for sufficient cause. Such action must be reported to the dean of students and the division director.
Refer to the Student Handbook for privacy rights.
Each faculty member will maintain a definite evaluation procedure that is approved by the administration and that is explained in writing to the students. Examination grades and test papers should be returned to students promptly. Grades remain as recorded and can be changed only by the faculty member. In the absence of the faculty member, the supervisor is charged with the responsibility for changing incomplete grades. The instructor’s supervisor must approve any change in grade by a faculty member after final semester grades are recorded. Justification of grade changes must be made in writing. Each faculty member is responsible for turning in proper grade reports on all students who are officially certified as enrolled in the faculty member’s classes on the official census day of each semester and term. Faculty will be required to submit grade reports at various times during the semester/term in order to assist with initiatives such as retention, registration, advising, etc. These grades must be reported in accordance with the schedule and/or site procedures.
Any academic grade or grading method is subject to review when such method is questioned by a student regarding a specific grade received by the student. All questions concerning an academic grade or grading procedure are first considered and reviewed by the faculty member. If the student does not accept the decision of the faculty member, the next step will be consideration and review by the instructor’s supervisor. If the student disagrees with the decision of the instructor’s supervisor, the student’s case may then be referred to the Student Academic Hearing Committee for normal hearing procedures. See the appendix in this handbook for detailed procedures of the Academic Grade Grievance Procedure.
Instructional projects for the college, community, and/or an individual may be completed based on instructional objectives for the class. Routine projects will be discussed with the instructional dean prior to the start of an academic year. Delivery of certain projects may be impacted by course sequences and/or the college academic calendar. The Standard Operating Procedures for Instructional Projects in the Community (see Appendix) must be followed.