Relationship of Faculty to College
Policy: 6.4 Evaluation
Adoption Date: March 2, 2015 Revised
Each full-time and part-time faculty member will be evaluated by students and the appropriate instructional administrator. The evaluation will utilize the faculty evaluation criteria and the classroom observation criteria. Each full-time and part-time faculty member will be evaluated by students through the use of evaluation forms furnished by the college.
Full-time and part-time faculty with three years or less experience at Howard College/SWCD will be evaluated annually by the appropriate instructional administrator and students. Full-time and part-time faculty with four or more years of experience at Howard College/SWCD will be evaluated every three years or as deemed necessary by the appropriate instructional administrator. Current positions that have minor changes in responsibilities can be reviewed for consideration of evaluation deviating from this schedule at the discretion of the respective cabinet member and Human Resources office. Beginning in 2015-2016, those faculty teaching online who are due a classroom evaluation by their supervisor will have their online course(s) reviewed again by the Dean Review Committee, utilizing the same criteria, prior to their online course(s) going live during the semester (year) they are scheduled for an evaluation. After the online course(s) go live, the supervisor will select one online course to observe that term. The online course evaluation will be in addition to a face-to-face classroom observation. The results of the evaluation will be reviewed with each respective employee. Evaluations will be completed by February 28 of each year. Job descriptions will also be updated.
The division director and other administration will have the opportunity to be evaluated by faculty members on an annual basis. The result of the evaluation will be reviewed with each evaluated person.
Since the primary thrust of education at Howard College/SWCD is effective teaching and vocational training, it is essential that faculty be employed who possess such instructional skills. Through classroom observations by the division director and/or the instructional administrator, faculty members are able to demonstrate their teaching abilities. The follow-up sessions to discuss the classroom observations provide the opportunity to point out observed strengths as well as areas that may need improvement. The follow-up session provides an additional opportunity to discuss the faculty member’s educational plans and professional activities as well as his/her involvement with site committees, professional organizations, and the local community as it may relate to the college.
When the results of a faculty evaluation are not satisfactory, the follow-up session will include a specific plan for improvement. The session will include discussion of student evaluation, supervisor evaluation, and classroom evaluation. Options for improvement may include mentoring by a peer instructor as well as seminars on improving teaching methodology, learning styles, curriculum development, etc. A target date for accomplishing the improvement measures will be set and documented. A second review by the division director or the instructional administrator will also be scheduled. All improvement efforts will be documented in the faculty’s personnel file. The goal is for the evaluation to lead to improved skills for the faculty and improved quality in the educational program.
I. Classroom Performance
A. Classroom observation by the Instructional Administrator.
B. Student evaluations on HCJCD questionnaire.
C. Information obtained from conferences with students, faculty members, and other site personnel.
II. Organization of Courses or Training Program
A. Clearly stated objectives and course requirements.
B. Relevancy of class assignments to course objectives.
C. Tests/evaluations focus on materials covered in course or training program.
III. Accessibility
A. Maintains scheduled office hours.
B. Available to discuss homework, assignments, missed course material or term projects.
IV. Involvement with Site Activities
A. Participates on college committees.
B. Initiates viable suggestions to improve site atmosphere, programs, buildings, etc.
C. Sponsors some club or site organizations.
D. Keeps supervisor apprised about site activities and/or community involvement.
V. Instructors Qualifications
A. Meets academic standards set forth by SACSCOC.
B. Meets standards established by Coordinating Board in Statement of Qualifications for vocational instructors.
C. If employment contract contains educational conditions, satisfactory progress is being made to meet them.
D. Completed required professional growth and development activities.
VI. Assessment
A. Administers required assessment instruments.
B. Reports assessment results to appropriate administrator.
Used by Instructional Administrator.
Classroom Performance
- Appears organized and seems prepared to teach the lesson.
- Demonstrates practical and theoretical knowledge of subject matter.
- Uses variety of teaching strategies during class presentation.
- Creates atmosphere that is conducive for students to ask questions and/or express their opinions. Generally, encourages student participation during the class.
- Communicates effectively.
- Motivates students to want to learn.
- Seems interested in teaching this course.
- Answers students’ questions clearly and directly.
- Relates material to previous topics and how it fits into overall course.
- Evaluates/tests using items that focus on material covered in course